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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Score high on the NLN exam

Have you been wondering how to score high on the NLN nursing exam?

I had pretty decent luck recently when I took this exam and scored 157 out of a possible 200 points. Considering my prospective school (a community college in MN) only awards a possible 16.1 points for this exam on the nursing application, I'd say I fared well. (In other words, the school would not have counted any points gained beyond 161.) This nursing program recommends a composite score of at least 110.

The best resource for preparation I have found for this exam is the Review Guide for NLN-RN Pre-Entrance Exam, Third Edition. I took all practice exams in the manual and read the error explanations, but didn't have time to read the intro material. If you're also short on time, be sure to at least take the exams in your weakest area (and read the error explanations), which for me was science. If you have the time, take care to read the intro material carefully.

I scored in the high 90's in verbal and math, but low 80's in science. As it turns out, these scores were high enough to place me in the 99 percentile in all three subjects. It helped that I had taken a fair amount of biology and chemistry prior to testing, but with careful study of concepts, you should be able to pick up the necessary information for the exam.

I've applied to nursing school and have learned that my application score is 137, compared with other applicant scores of 139 as a median and 136 as a bottom of range, so am confident I have a decent shot at gaining admission, in large part, due to the results of this exam.

So, make sure you prepare early and prepare well for this exam. It will definitely be worth your time!

1 comment:

  1. To practice skills for the competency exam, I purchased the DVD ($58.50) from http://avanzaedu.org/headmaster.asp.

    I'm still looking for a place where I can practice my skills in a mock exam format where someone else critiques skills. I would welcome input on where such a place might be. I live in MN, but perhaps there is a general location in most states that would have such a service.

    Please post here to share ideas!
