Bring all the recommended materials to each session, including the Real ACT Prep manual, a permitted calculator, and a completed (timed) practice exam (from the manual), as well as a completed (timed) essay. If you have previous exam scores, either from a school practice exam or from an actual ACT exam, by all means, bring them along to document a start point and gauge your progress throughout the program.
Following each session, review recommended ACT content, take online practice sets, complete another practice exam and essay, and review exam errors carefully, which is key to improving your scores.
Your tutor is your guide in effective time management and study planning, and will help you implement study strategies, improve your pacing, and address weak areas in ACT content. The rest is entirely up to you. The tutor has no control over whether or not you follow through with the study plan, implement suggestions for improvement, or stay out late the night before the exam. In other words, your success on the exam rests in your hands.
No matter if a student has scored high or low on a previous exam, or has come to the program with a high or low GPA -- each student has the potential to significantly improve an ACT score. It really boils down to the level of dedication each student brings to, or develops for, the task.
In my 15 years as a tutor, 9 of which have been in ACT Test Prep, I have been privileged to have met so many dedicated students, and am especially in awe of students who have dug deep inside themselves to find the courage and discipline they didn't know was there to make a difference in their futures.
And make no mistake about it -- how you do on the ACT can set the tone for your life for many years to come. I encourage you to make the most of this experience. Whether you have a few months or a few weeks to prepare, make ACT Test Prep a part of your plan!
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