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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

GRE Prep Tutoring

As you know if you are tutoring or taking the GRE soon, the format on this exam will be changing on August 1st. I'll be starting a new student this week who plans to take the "old" exam in mid-July. (The later-July exam dates have all filled as students scramble to take this exam version.)

I use the Kaplan GRE Math and Verbal workbooks (image links below) because, as I mentioned previously, students seem to do better with learning content when it's presented in workbook form. These books give lots of practice both by knowledge area (general, algebra, geometry) and also by question type (quantitative comparisons, word problems, and data representation).

I simply take the number of tests in each manual and divide it among the number of weeks I'll be meeting with the student. This way we'll know how much ground we'll need to cover each week in both in-session and home study.

Links to workbooks for the current GRE are found below; workbooks for the New GRE are available as well.


  1. I'm glad the GRE information was useful for you, Algebra. I sure will keep sharing tutoring experiences, materials, and tips with all who are interested. Thanks for visiting!

  2. That’s truly very good information. It was great reading through these tips and guidelines. For the preparations of the competitive tests, one must enroll in an in professional course. If you want to pass LSAT in first attempt then I would highly recommend the LSAT Prep app at Testmaxprep.
