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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to Get Great Grades Without Really Trying (too hard)

Do you study for endless hours and still get average grades, or just pass by the skin of your teeth? Or, do you just plain hate to study and can't get motivated no matter how hard you (or your parents) try?
Let me tell you, I've been there and I know how disheartening it can be. I routinely received C's, D's, even some F's in my bachelor's program; I hardly dared to plan or even hope for a bountiful future when my grades reflected less than my actual abilities.

Now, it's so different. I graduated with a 3.9 GPA in my master's program and I just plain love to learn and love school ... now more than ever! I finally learned how to be successful in school, and the steps are really very simple.

You too can be on your way to TOP GRADES, so if that's what you're after, just follow these straightforward steps:
  1. Record all assignments in your planner, as far in advance as possible. Diligently record all upcoming assignments, tests, and projects in your planner -- you should have your planner sitting on your desk along with other relevant materials for the class.
  2. Secure a syllabus from the teacher for each class. If you were not given a calendar by each teacher for the entire term's assignments, ask each teacher for one, or see if calendars are posted online, so you can record and prepare for assignments well in advance. You can also track your grades, online or in your notebook, to monitor your own performance.
  3. Read assigned pages in text and materials before class, ideally as soon as they are assigned. For classes in which you use a textbook, read pages as soon as they are assigned, then bring your text and handouts to each class -- very likely the teacher's lecture will closely follow these materials.
  4. Bring text and materials to each class, and highlight lecture points. Read along in the text or handouts as the teacher lectures, highlighting points that are mentioned and recording notes (as needed) directly on the handouts and in the text (if allowed). The teacher will lecture on points s/he wants to emphasize. Since you will have read the assigned material beforehand, the lecture will serve as a review. Depending solely on notes taken from the teacher's lecture is unwise, since even a minor distraction or a little daydreaming may result in a loss of important information. Taking this proactive approach to studying will help you become a self-sufficient learner. Your grades then will not suffer if you are out sick or your teacher's teaching style is less than adequate.
  5. Review highlighted areas and any notes every couple days. Every couple of days, look over your text/handouts, paying close attention to the highlighted sections. You should have little need to put in more than your average study time before tests, as you will already have learned what you need to know with regular review of the material. If you're lucky enough to get extra credit assignments, do them! That one or two point bonus just might be the difference between a B and an A.
Before long, you will start receiving and expecting top scores since you will have studied all you need to achieve them. And experiencing success in school is a great motivator for excelling in all areas of life.
Other tips to keep in mind ...
  • Be consistent -- study at the same time each day in a distraction-free study zone; take a short break each hour to check in with family or have a snack.
  • Take a day off from studying every now and then as a reward, when no deadlines loom.
  • And, an important lesson I learned, personally and through tutoring ... if you truly want top grades, you need to prioritize your homework. Balance your social/sports activities with your schoolwork to keep your stress level to a minimum and stay on top of your game, in both your activities and your academics.
You will be amazed to find you can actually trim study time using this plan. Good luck ... but you won't need it, because now you've got the skills to succeed!

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